Date: Mon, 11 Apr 94 04:30:57 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #87 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Mon, 11 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 87 Today's Topics: 2 Line ElSets ANS-099 BULLETINS APT-Satellites: Report APR 10, 1994 ORBS098.WEATH.AMSAT Oscar Antennas ?? OSCAR MODE S STS-59 Orbital State Vectors Rev #19 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 10 Apr 94 17:57:56 GMT From: Subject: 2 Line ElSets To: Hello, My name is Mike Johnson. I am looking for a source for USSPACECMD/NORAD type 2 line element sets for a varity of vehicles (primarily 16609). Any help in finding this (these) source(s) would be greatly appreciated. I can also be contacted at Thank you for your time. 73 N7WBO ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 16:25:51 MDT From:!usc!!!panix!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ANS-099 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.01 W5RRR/JSC ARC LANDLINE BBS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 099.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD APRIL 9, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-099.01 New Landline BBS Provides STS-59 SAREX Information The Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club has set up a telephone computer bulletin board (BBS). The purpose of the BBS is to provide a source of current Space Shuttle mission Keplerian Elements. There are limited number of BBS files available for downloading. Among the current files are: o Current and old element sets for the mission in progress o Current mission information o Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) information o Recent Space Shuttle Mission Schedules and Manifests o Astronaut/Cosmonaut Ham List o Current JSC Amateur Radio Club Newsletter We ask that no files be uploaded to the BBS. The telephone number is (713) 244-5625. Our modem can handle all bauds up to and including 9600 baud. The parameters are N-8-1. The BBS is currently running in ProComm HOST mode, so the logon is very simple and downloading is easy. After logging in, you will see the Welcome Screen describing the BBS. Also, the Welcome Screen contains the current and latest element set number (e.g., JSC008) loaded on the BBS. Check it against your last set so you won't waste your time duplicating a set you already have. Press ENTER to bring up the second page containing the current Space Shuttle Keplerian Element Set. If you have a file cap- ture or screen capture function in your communications software, then you should use it for this page. That way, you won't have to go through the file download process if all you wanted was the latest element set. If you have any comments for the Club or BBS sysop, leave a message and we will respond. [The AMSAT News Service would like to thank Dale Martin (KG5U), KG5U @, Secretary of the Johnson Space Center ARC Houston, Texas (W5RRR)] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.02 FUJI AWARD PROGRAM DETAILS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 099.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD APRIL 9, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-099.02 JJ1WTK Provides Information About "FUJI" Award Amateur Satellite "Fuji", SWL Amateur Satellite "Fuji" applicants are required to make contacts with 10 different amateur stations through the amateur radio satellite "Fuji" (only contacts in CW or SSB mode), and obtain the QSL cards from those stations. This award applies for both FO-12 (JAS-1) which was launched at 20:45 UTC in 12-AUG-1986 and JAS-1B which was launched on 07-FEB-1990. Any contact thru FO-12 or FO-20 is good for the "Fuji Award" application. A fee of 8 IRCs or US $4 will be charged per award. An additional 2 IRCs will be charged for air mail delivery regardless of the number of the awards claimed. If QSL cards are submitted, sufficient funds for return postage will also be required. All corres- pondences should be sent to: Japan Amateur Radio League - Award Desk, 1-14-2 Sugamo, Toshima, Tokyo 170, Japan [The AMSAT News Service would like to thank Kazu Sakamoto (JJ1WTK) for this bulletin item. JJ1WTK can be reached at his e-mail address of] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.03 POSAT-1 VOICE CONTACTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 099.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD APRIL 9, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-099.03 CT1ERC Reports POSAT-1 Voice Contacts Made CT1ERC reports that a special event amateur satellite station, CU2APO, was setup on the island of San Miguel in the AZORES for a technical exhibition to a youth grounp using POSAT-1. This demonstration was arranged by the PoSAT Consortium in which they agree to switch the satellite to operate on the amateur frequencies and it was configured as a FM transponder for a single pass to allow voice contacts between this island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean and the continent. Everything was arranged overnight and on short notice so unfotunately there was not enough time to send out notices of this event for other radio amateurs to participate. However, CT1ERC wishes to pass allong his report of the this first time voice contact on POSAT-1. "The uplink frequency was 145.975 MHz and the downlink frequency was 435.275 MHz which by coincidence is a frequency with alot of strong QRM at CT1ERC's QTH. At 12:28 UTC 24-FEB-1994, with the satellite heading from North, the mutual window between CT1ERC's station (located in the extreme North of Portugal) and CU2APO (located in the extreme West, half way to N. America) opened and he exchanged a QSO with Pedro Carvalho (CT1DBS). The reports were both S59 but only for short periods, due to the strong bursts of QRM which made communication very difficult. One minute later there appeared Miguel Gomes (CT1EVH) operating the club station CS1APO located in Lisbon and Artur Gomes (CT1DIA) located in Faro (extreme South of Por- tugal). The QRM affected all stations except CT1DIA who have copy all of us during the whole pass with reports between S57 and S59. Sometimes during the pass two Spanish stations, apparently mobile, in a QSO on the VHF band were completly unaware that they were using a satellite uplink and reaching the downlink with S55 to S57." CT1ERC wants to thank to the the Consortium for made the satellite avail- able for 10 minutes and to Pedro, CT1DBS, for all his efforts and hours spent in convencing the POSAT Consortium to allow this demonstation to happen. [The AMSAT News Service (ANS) would like to thank Jose Carlos (CT1ERC) for this bulletin item.] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.04 AO-13 OPS NET SCHEDULE HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 099.04 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD APRIL 9, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-099.04 Current AMSAT Operations Net Schedule For AO-13 AMSAT Operations Nets are planned for the following times. Mode-B Nets are conducted on AO-13 on a downlink frequency of 145.950 MHz. If, at the start of the OPS Net, the frequency of 145.950 MHz is being used for a QSO, OPS Net enthusiasts are asked to move to the alternate frequency of 145.955 MHz. Date UTC Mode Phs NCS Alt NCS 18-Apr-94 0100 B 188 W5IU WA5ZIB 23-Apr-94 1800 B 180 VE2LVC W9ODI 30-Apr-94 2130 B 176 W9ODI VE2LVC 09-May-94 0000 B 175 W5IU WA5ZIB 14-May-94 1700 B 167 WA5ZIB W5IU 21-May-94 2130 B 185 VE2LVC W9ODI Any stations with information on current events would be most welcomed. Also, those interested in discussing technical issues or who have questions about any particular aspect of OSCAR statellite operations, are encouraged to join the OPS Nets. If neither of the Net Control Stations show up, any participant is invited to act as the NCS. Slow Scanners are invited to join the SSTV sessions on AO-13. The freq- uency is 145.955 MHz. The net meets at 45 minutes before Mode S, and on Mode B following Mode S on Saturdays and Sundays. Join those sessions or convey your wishes for other SSTV skeds to, and he will coordinate your efforts. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.05 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 099.05 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD APRIL 9, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-099.05 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 09-APR-94 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: M QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Apr 07-Jul 11 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 170 | Mode-BS : MA 170 to MA 218 | Mode-S : MA 218 to MA 220 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 220 to MA 230 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-BS : MA 230 to MA 250 | Blon/Blat 230/-5 Mode-B : MA 250 to MA 256 | Omnis : MA 250 to MA 120 | Move to attitude 180/0, Jul 11 [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] FO-20: The following is the current schedule for transponder operations: ANALOG MODE: 20-Apr-94 7:35 -to- 27-Apr-94 7:55 UTC 11-May-94 6:54 -to- 18-May-94 7:20 UTC Digital mode: Unless otherwise noted above. [Kazu Sakamoto (JJ1WTK)] AO-27: DL6AAU reports that he has hear some "big" signals from AO-27 with a indoor groundplane antenna without preamp. He receives signals S56 to S59 from stations on Buffin Island, which for DL6AAU, is considered a DX contact. DL6AAU notes that AO-27 really better signal than its famous "cousin" AO-21. [DL6UAA] AO-21: A new digital voice message started to transmit this week on AO-21 on the occasion of the AMSAT-OE meeting. The actual schedule is as follows: RUDAK-II Schedule: (Downlink 145.987 MHz, Uplink 435.016 MHz) min/10 Beacon Mode 0..6 FM Repeater 7 Digital Audio 8..9 AFSK TLM The following is the message that is broadcasted on AO-21 during the packet beacon downlink: "++ Hi, this is the RUDAK-II experiment on AMSAT OSCAR 21 ++ On occasion of the first AMSAT-OE meeting we send greetings to HAM's & all over the world. We wish you to have PEACEFUL contacts via amateur radio!" Reports are welcome to: HTL Amateur Radio Group Anichstr. 46 A-6020 Innsbruck Austria [LW2DTZ] KO-23: Working well and has a new pair of images. [WH6I] KO-25: Also working well. [WH6I] IO-26: Working well on the secondary frequency as advertised. [WH6I] AO-16: Working well. [WH6I] LO-19: Also working well. [WH6I] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ W0LJF.#NECO.CO.USA.NOAM. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 07:17:30 GMT From:!swrinde!emory!!!!NewsWatcher! Subject: APT-Satellites: Report APR 10, 1994 To: Observed at station 50.7 NLat, 7.1 ELon, APR 10, 1994 NOAA-9: APT 137.62 ON again NOAA-10: APT 137.50 On NOAA-11: APT 137.62 On NOAA-12: APT 137.50 On Meteor 3-5: APT 137.85 On NOAA-9 is back again. The vis-images of the late morning descending passes show better illumination than those from late afternoon ascending NOAA-11 which slowly drifts into darker evening. NOAA-9 approaches 10 years of useful life in orbit. +------------------------------------------+ |Peter Henne ( | | ( | |German Nat.Research Center.f.Comp.Science | |D-53754 St.AUGUSTIN, Germany | +------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 00:48:00 -0600 From:!swrinde!gatech!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ORBS098.WEATH.AMSAT To: SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-098.W Orbital Elements 098.WEATHER HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR WEATHER SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX April 8, 1994 BID: $ORBS-098.W TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: NOAA-9 Catalog number: 15427 Epoch time: 94096.96691714 Element set: 774 Inclination: 99.0631 deg RA of node: 146.5985 deg Eccentricity: 0.0016149 Arg of perigee: 62.1791 deg Mean anomaly: 298.1005 deg Mean motion: 14.13604747 rev/day Decay rate: 1.04e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 48028 Checksum: 329 Satellite: NOAA-10 Catalog number: 16969 Epoch time: 94096.95319952 Element set: 673 Inclination: 98.5122 deg RA of node: 108.1277 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012929 Arg of perigee: 173.0330 deg Mean anomaly: 187.1032 deg Mean motion: 14.24877528 rev/day Decay rate: 5.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 39246 Checksum: 326 Satellite: MET-2/17 Catalog number: 18820 Epoch time: 94093.66879616 Element set: 276 Inclination: 82.5429 deg RA of node: 327.8717 deg Eccentricity: 0.0018087 Arg of perigee: 33.1391 deg Mean anomaly: 327.0888 deg Mean motion: 13.84712948 rev/day Decay rate: 7.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 31204 Checksum: 340 Satellite: MET-3/2 Catalog number: 19336 Epoch time: 94089.83574800 Element set: 272 Inclination: 82.5443 deg RA of node: 19.1260 deg Eccentricity: 0.0018339 Arg of perigee: 97.2779 deg Mean anomaly: 263.0433 deg Mean motion: 13.16965918 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 27294 Checksum: 324 Satellite: NOAA-11 Catalog number: 19531 Epoch time: 94083.23885812 Element set: 572 Inclination: 99.1670 deg RA of node: 70.0925 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012545 Arg of perigee: 15.7107 deg Mean anomaly: 344.4450 deg Mean motion: 14.12969487 rev/day Decay rate: 6.2e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 28322 Checksum: 300 Satellite: MET-2/18 Catalog number: 19851 Epoch time: 94093.77791533 Element set: 275 Inclination: 82.5203 deg RA of node: 203.2318 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015846 Arg of perigee: 76.3600 deg Mean anomaly: 283.9325 deg Mean motion: 13.84360581 rev/day Decay rate: 7.0e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 25739 Checksum: 316 Satellite: MET-3/3 Catalog number: 20305 Epoch time: 94096.89802122 Element set: 19 Inclination: 82.5496 deg RA of node: 319.2682 deg Eccentricity: 0.0006914 Arg of perigee: 92.4930 deg Mean anomaly: 267.6966 deg Mean motion: 13.04406356 rev/day Decay rate: 4.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 21360 Checksum: 303 Satellite: MET-2/19 Catalog number: 20670 Epoch time: 94092.98290424 Element set: 777 Inclination: 82.5407 deg RA of node: 268.1974 deg Eccentricity: 0.0016849 Arg of perigee: 2.5004 deg Mean anomaly: 357.6234 deg Mean motion: 13.84189785 rev/day Decay rate: 2.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 19021 Checksum: 326 Satellite: FY-1/2 Catalog number: 20788 Epoch time: 94096.57359175 Element set: 935 Inclination: 98.8347 deg RA of node: 118.9912 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013640 Arg of perigee: 203.7746 deg Mean anomaly: 156.2787 deg Mean motion: 14.01311548 rev/day Decay rate: -2.9e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18367 Checksum: 340 Satellite: MET-2/20 Catalog number: 20826 Epoch time: 94094.25698003 Element set: 786 Inclination: 82.5246 deg RA of node: 204.7890 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011958 Arg of perigee: 255.0900 deg Mean anomaly: 104.8936 deg Mean motion: 13.83576540 rev/day Decay rate: 8.0e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 17753 Checksum: 319 Satellite: MET-3/4 Catalog number: 21232 Epoch time: 94093.84087512 Element set: 684 Inclination: 82.5414 deg RA of node: 222.1406 deg Eccentricity: 0.0013588 Arg of perigee: 17.3282 deg Mean anomaly: 342.8306 deg Mean motion: 13.16460528 rev/day Decay rate: 5.0e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14157 Checksum: 280 Satellite: NOAA-12 Catalog number: 21263 Epoch time: 94093.55971056 Element set: 989 Inclination: 98.6259 deg RA of node: 122.9593 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014150 Arg of perigee: 91.5218 deg Mean anomaly: 268.7581 deg Mean motion: 14.22387096 rev/day Decay rate: 1.46e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 14992 Checksum: 338 Satellite: MET-3/5 Catalog number: 21655 Epoch time: 94097.16784425 Element set: 692 Inclination: 82.5566 deg RA of node: 166.8994 deg Eccentricity: 0.0014492 Arg of perigee: 19.2230 deg Mean anomaly: 340.9434 deg Mean motion: 13.16829137 rev/day Decay rate: 5.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 12711 Checksum: 319 Satellite: MET-2/21 Catalog number: 22782 Epoch time: 94093.48854630 Element set: 286 Inclination: 82.5455 deg RA of node: 265.6275 deg Eccentricity: 0.0023942 Arg of perigee: 74.0584 deg Mean anomaly: 286.3202 deg Mean motion: 13.83003079 rev/day Decay rate: 1.5e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2976 Checksum: 313 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 04:43:16 EDT From:!agate!!ncoast!nshore!railnet!barf80! Subject: Oscar Antennas ?? To: What the latest gossip concerning what good & what isn't on Oscar yagi's for mode B & J.. KLM, M sqrd etc. Any comments?? The old Cushcraft AOP 1 pkg I have been using for a few years rally barks, especially in wet weather. /e ---------------------------- Dennis jakubisin InterNet: Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208 "Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 04:40:56 EDT From:!agate!!ncoast!nshore!railnet!barf80! Subject: OSCAR MODE S To: Anyone know of an inexpensive (less that the $300+ commercial converters) way to get on Mode S. How about converting some of the TVRO LNA/B's down in freq?? ---------------------------- Dennis jakubisin InterNet: Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208 "Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 23:46:21 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: STS-59 Orbital State Vectors Rev #19 To: Vector format = 1017 Satellite Name: STS-59 Catalog Number: 23042 94020A Epoch Date/Time: 94100.57055586805 04/10/1994 13:41:36.026 UTC ECI X: -3937556.326925 ft M50 Y: -21265094.628949 ft Z: 893696.336028 ft Xdot: 13919.98047 ft/s Ydot: -1683.85425 ft/s Zdot: 21317.14844 ft/s ndot/2 (drag): 0.00852427365 rev/day^2 nddt/6: 0.00000E+00 rev/day^3 Bstar: 0.00000E+00 1/Earth Radii Elset #: 5 Rev @ Epoch: 19.00766840912 MSDOS/PC software is available for conversion of OSV to 2 Line Keplerian Elements via ftp to: and the SIMTEL archives. State Vectors courtesy Ken Ernandes N2WWD SM ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Apr 1994 16:45:58 GMT From:!usc!!wupost!!!netcomsv!telesoft! To: References , , Reply-To : Subject : STS-59 Element Set (94100.508) STS-59 1 23042U 94020A 94100.50837479 +.00138539 11054-4 68156-4 0 99 2 23042 56.9923 258.8619 0009096 276.5312 83.4741 16.20610868 180 Satellite: STS-59 Catalog number: 23042 Epoch time: 94100.50837479 (10 APR 94 12:12:03.58 UTC) Element set: GSFC-009 Inclination: 56.9923 deg RA of node: 258.8619 deg Space Shuttle Flight STS-59 Eccentricity: 0.0009096 Keplerian Elements Arg of perigee: 276.5312 deg Mean anomaly: 83.4741 deg Mean motion: 16.20610868 rev/day Semi-major Axis: 6596.0261 Km Decay rate: 0.14E-02 rev/day*2 Apogee Alt: 223.64 Km Epoch rev: 18 Perigee Alt: 211.64 Km (for Shuttle Elements subscription info, email: -- Gary Morris Internet: KK6YB Packet: KK6YB @ N0ARY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NA San Diego, CA, USA Phone: +1 619-457-2700 x128 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #87 ******************************